Friday, October 9, 2009

Thanks & more assorted cards...

Good thing I had these saved to Jim's computer, because as some of you know my computer got a virus & I LOST EVERYTHING!!! 
I have gotten a lot of very nice raks the past 2 weeks, but guess what, the pics are gone!!  I want to thank you all for the thoughtful Sympathy cards, the awesome raks, stamps etc... that I have been recieving, wish I could share it here, but erased from SD card once I downloaded to my laptop, then LOST it all!
THANKS ALL OF YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!  Love you all for being such a sweet & generous bunch of gals.

Here are a few more cards I made about a month ago, but did not post all.....good thing these were downloaded to Jimmy's.


Unknown said...

Sorry about your computer.
Super cute cards! TFS Have a great weekend :)

Crystal said...

Denise WOW these are All SOOOOO CUTE!!! Your coloring is soooo beautiful, love all your cards girl!

kris said...

All very cute and sweet cards Denise! Hope better days are coming your way! take it easy, and relax too ok?! we all love and care about you... too bad i'm stuck on a different island, i'd love to spend some time with you... hugs, Kris

Shirley N said...

Oh Denise, I feel your pain! What a loss losing everything on your computer! Glad you had these pictures, tho, very cute cards!

Unknown said...

Oh, no! I would be so upset!

These are gorgeous, Denise! Love them all!

Maylee said...

These are super cute Denise! Sorry to hear about your computer.

joni h said...

Bummers about the computer, that's the thing about technology! Try contacting Super Geeks and see if they can retrieve the pictures from your camera even if you've deleted them.

Love your card!

Brenda said...

cute cards... love all the designs!

cabio's craft corner said...

These are wonderful cards. Thanks so much for sharing Denise!
Yikes, that's too bad you lost everyting from your computer.

Risa said...

Wow...all of your cards are gorgeous Denise! Your coloring is awesome girl! I love the way you brought each image to life!
So sorry to hear about your computer...what a tragedy. I have my finger crossed hoping you will find your saved pictures.
Big Hugs

Michelle Alejandro said...

Sorry you lost all your images, what a total bummer. Love all your cards, you have been pretty busy. Have a great Sunday!

Nannieflash said...

Hi Denise, how are you? sorry to hear you also have been suffering with computer problems, I was wondering why youve not been around. I love your cards by the way they are stunning, you always create such beautiful ones. Take care with love and huge hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxxx

Elena said...

I would just hate it if it happened to me. I keep saying I'm going to backup my computer but didn't do it yet. Anyway love all your cards! TFS!

Teri said...

I know how you feel Denise...but thank goodness Eric was able to recover most of my stuff. I'm still working on filing stuff off so I'll have them backed up! Love all of your cards, they are all so adorable!

Joy said...

wonderful cards! sorry about that Denise...I do have your disk. I can drop it by today after work. I have been so busy this weekend that I didn't get a chance. hopefully you are still surviving! love the creations! can't wait till you are up and running again!

Cyndi said...

super cute cards!